Online Access to Medical Records

More information

For more information about keeping your healthcare records safe and secure, we recommend that you read Protecting your GP Online Records and this helpful leaflet produced by the NHS in conjunction with the British Computer Society:

Keeping your online health and social care records safe and secure

Date of Birth

I understand that my email address and/or mobile number may be used by the practice to contact you to provide health and care services. For example:-

  • appointment reminders
  • health campaign messages
  • messages relating to your own health and care e.g. test results
  • surveys about our services
  • If you consent to be contacted by either of the following please tick:
    I wish to have access to the following online services (please tick all that apply):
    I wish to access my online services and understand and agree with each statement (tick)
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 1 GB.