October 2024 Patient Newsletter

🍂 Thanks for your support in September
Nobody likes waiting for GP appointments and at Tudor Lodge we don’t want our patients waiting any longer than they need to. That’s why we’re always working hard to reduce appointment waiting times and we’re really happy to report that in September, the majority of patients attended their appointments or told us if they no longer needed them.
This helps us massively as it means we can offer appointments to those still waiting quicker so we thank you for your continued support with this. Especially when you consider that yet again, Tudor Lodge has another bumper month where we:
- Answered almost 3,200 calls.
- Processed over 2,600 online requests (nearly 90 requests a day).
- Offered almost 2,400 GP appointments, 890 nurse appointments and over 400 other healthcare appointments.
- Processed over 1,400 prescriptions.

Remember to book your pregnancy vaccines at the surgery. You can have the RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) vaccine at 28 weeks, and the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine at 20 weeks and we advise you to have the flu vaccine as soon as you can to protect both you and baby.
Vaccinations in pregnancy – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

🚬 Smoking: trying to kick the habit?
You’ve seen the TV ads and the tagline is true. If you stay smoke-free for 28 days, you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good. With the right support, quitting is easier than you think which is why Stoptober is the perfect opportunity to quit smoking! The NHS Better Health website has tips, advice, and support to help you take advantage of Stoptober and start your journey to a healthier, smoke-free you! The key is not to give up, try different combinations until you find the one that works for you.

🚺 Menopause Awareness Month: Raising awareness and breaking
the stigma
October is Menopause Awareness Month with World Menopause Day on 18 October. This year’s theme is Menopause Hormone Therapy, also known as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in the UK. The aim is to raise awareness, break the stigma, and highlight support options for people experiencing menopause.
HRT is a treatment used to help menopause and perimenopause symptoms. It replaces the hormones oestrogen and progesterone, which fall to low levels as you approach menopause.
Nobody should be ‘putting up’ with menopause symptoms that affect quality of life. Please make an appointment with your GP if you’re over 45 years old and think you’re having menopause symptoms and you’re considering starting HRT or you’re under 45 years old and think you’re having menopause symptoms. There is more health and support available than you think for women who are going through menopause, so please don’t suffer in silence.

💉 Flu vaccine clinics now available for eligible patients
Our flu vaccination clinics are already up and running for all eligible patients including a walk-in clinics every Saturday in October.
If you are coming in to see a nurse or GP anyway and would like a flu vaccine while you’re here, please ask for one.
If you have had your vaccine at your workplace or a pharmacy, please let us know. And if you do not want a flu vaccine, please let us know so we can update our records. Thank you!

📰 Surgery news
Dr Dod finished with us on 26 September, and we welcome back Dr Abi who returned from maternity leave. Our new Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Patience Udo joins the team from mid-October.
We continue to review our demand and capacity data as a team and alongside patient feedback, with a view to moving to 15-minute slots in line with British Medical Association guidance. We’ll continue to keep you posted on any developments.

🎂 Is it your birthday in October?
Halloween, pumpkin spice lattes and the leaves turning gold. Many happy returns if you happen to be celebrating your birthday in this beautifully cozy month! Just a friendly reminder if you live with a chronic disease such as asthma, diabetes or COPD to look out for your annual medical review. We send text message invites out in your birth month and ask you to book your appointment promptly. If you don’t receive an invite, please get in touch with us at the practice to arrange yours.

🫱🏽🫲🏽 World Mental Health Day – check in with your friends,
colleagues and loved ones
World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October. It gives everyone a chance to talk about mental health and shows everyone that mental health matters just as much as physical health. Talking about our mental health can help us cope better with life’s ups and downs. So, on World Mental Health Day and beyond it, why not check in with your friends, family, peers, or colleagues?
If you would like to talk to someone about your mental health or would like some support, the following organisations can help you:

👩🏾💻 A reminder about managing your bookings online
We’re committed to making it quick and easy for you to book appointments online. To submit an appointment request, visit our website and click the “Make an Appointment” tab or “Contact us about your request.” A clinician will review your request to determine the best timeframe, type of appointment, and most suitable healthcare professional to see you.
Our friendly reception team will then contact you with the doctor’s recommendations and book your appointment within the specified timeframe.
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